Payments Modernization: It’s Real time, 24/7, Open API-enabled and Cloud-native – Oh my!

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The pandemic has hastened the pace of change, and as a result, many financial institutions are currently engaged in the process of upgrading and adapting to a payments landscape that is rapidly shifting. Businesses and consumers in the modern day have come to demand instant gratification, a variety of options, and streamlined processes for the transfer of funds. Therefore, given their limited time, resources, and financial capacity, how can financial institutions make the most of the most recent APIs and technologies that are currently available?

During this session, payments experts Mambu, Persistent, and Volante have explained the prospects and essential considerations that can help them embark on the journey toward the modernisation of their payment system.

Key topics and considerations in Payments Modernization
  • Real-time Payments: Connecting to The Clearing House RTP and FedNow
  • The impact of real time including volumes and the need for real-time fraud and compliance
  • Opportunities to modernize existing ACH, Wires and SWIFT/cross border payments operations
  • Delivering new services leveraging APIs
  • Selecting the best delivery model and the benefits of cloud

Watch our webinar to get more information about the modernization of payments.

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Ted Westhelle

Inside Sales, Mambu

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Director, Pre-Sales, Volante

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Karan Maini

VP Banking Financial Services, Persistent

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