Cloud Native Development
What is Cloud Native Development?
Cloud-native development is an approach to building, deploying, and managing modern applications in cloud computing environments. To provide an innovative and competitive advantage, organizations want to develop resilient and flexible platforms for the applications that they can update quickly to meet end-user demands. To do so, developers adopt specific software practices to decrease the delivery timeline and deliver accurate features that meet changing user expectations. The standard cloud-native development practices are – Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), DevOps, and Serverless.
What are the business benefits of Cloud Native Development?
Cloud-native development brings the best from the developers with the using automated tools and modern design architecture to build scalable applications rapidly.
With a cloud-native approach, organizations don’t have to invest in procuring and maintaining expensive physical infrastructure. It results in long-term savings in operational costs.
Organizations can scale up their operational activities with improved efficiency.
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