What is Microservices?
In a word, microservices allow an organization’s technology to be agile. If an organization can create compartments of its technology, it is benefitted from the opportunity to transform certain parts quickly and independently. In short, microservices are an architectural approach where software is made up of small independent services. They run on their own using lightweight protocols, often over messaging or HTTP.
It is software development where software is composed of small independent services that communicate over well-structured APIs.
Here are some examples of microservices swagger, DropWizard, Spark Framework, Jersey, and Spring Boot.
What are the business benefits of Microservices?
Microservices reduce downtime due to their isolation from other parts of the technology stack, improving efficiency.
It can be deployed independently, allowing continuous improvements and faster updates.
Microservices increase flexibility, scalability, and productivity in an organization.
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