CX Transformation for Insurance
A digital insurance experience for customers, sales, service, and claims representatives with a 360-degree view of the policy holder.
Today’s insurance customers not only expect but demand services to be available online and available via their preferred digital device. Additionally, legacy systems also limit agility and create challenges for scaling their business. With this changing customer behavior and expectations, insurance companies need to evolve, embrace digitization and move their customer relationship management (CRM) operations to the cloud to achieve the flexibility necessary to serve their customers wherever they are and whenever they want. In fact, insurance companies who have embraced digitization have seen an increase of 45% in their online insurance Sales during the global pandemic.
For over 20 years, Persistent has been delivering value to the insurance sector through reliable software delivery, an innovative mindset and ready to use accelerators including Insurance Solutions built on Salesforce.
Persistent’s Digital Insurance Solutions integrates with business rule engines and underwriting systems to offer transformed digital experiences such as orchestrated marketing journeys, digital policy illustration and quoting, predictive insights and 360-degree view of policy holders.
- Increased revenue through existing policyholders with faster go to market for new insurance products
- Easy data access to renewal, new opportunities, and new leads
- Reduced Turn-Around-Time (TAT) with automated no-touch/low-touch processing
- Reduced operations, maintenance costs and dependency on legacy systems
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