Persistent Intelligent Cyber Recovery (PiCR) Solution Demo

Backup and DR products were not designed with ransomware in mind. Once impacted, finding a clean backup image could require months with significant loss of data, system stability and brand reputation.

Partnering with Google, Persistent has launched Persistent Intelligent Cyber Recovery (PiCR), a fast and scalable recovery solution that is purpose build for recovery from cyber-attacks. PiCR enables the creation of recovery plans for each customer while including IP that is integrated into Google Actifio and Google Cloud. With PiCR, customers can regularly scan images and allow for the identification of anomalies that can remove malware quickly and enable remediation with automation to deploy testing and production at scale.

Watch this demo to learn more about the PiCR solution workflow, key features, and actionable insights that are shared with the users. You’ll also see the PiCR solution in action, in an event of a simulated ransomware attack.

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