Real-Time Data Processing: Jumpstart with Persistent Data Foundry

Real-Time Data Processing: Jumpstart with Persistent Data Foundry

In today’s fast-paced world, businesses need to be able to process data in real time to stay ahead of the competition. Persistent Data Foundry is a real-time streaming solution that can help businesses across all industry verticals to process data in real time and gain insights that can help them to make better decisions, improve customer service, and increase profitability.

The need for real-time data processing is even more critical for insurance companies with a significant impact on business as well as customers. The sheer volume of data to be processed and its continuously evolving nature makes real-time data processing dauting for insurance companies. Persistent Data Foundry is our cutting-edge real-time streaming solution built on the robust Azure cloud. It is specifically designed to process claim events in real-time, including critical stages such as First Notice Of Loss (FNOL), claim evaluation, claim settlement, claim payment, and claim closure.

By processing these events in real-time, we provide near-instantaneous updates to downstream business functions and customers, resulting in improved operational efficiencies, increased customer satisfaction, and a significant reduction in the overall claim processing timelines.

With Persistent Data Foundry, your insurance company can stay ahead of the competition and achieve new levels of success. Watch this demo to discover.

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