When enterprise search delivers accurate results, it can do wonders for the enterprise in the areas of technology innovation, productivity, market competitiveness, and customer satisfaction. It is no surprise that organizations go through a painstaking process to evaluate and pick the right enterprise search offering. The right tool must fulfill functional requirements while being in line with the enterprise IT policy and meeting security, configurability, and interoperability standards.
But why bother going through an exhaustive evaluation if most modern technologies make the same tall claims of delivering the best of text analytics, machine learning, performance, scalability, data security, customization, and search analytics? The differences between tools may be subtle, but they have a profound influence on the quality of search.
Download this whitepaper to understand the key evaluation areas that every organization must cover before zeroing in on a search tool. Because, believe it or not, that tool is expected to stick around your IT landscape and deliver value for many years to come.