Data is at the epicenter of growth for today’s enterprises. While effectively utilizing data for business decision making and driving strategies, the sheer volume of data that enterprises are storing makes it challenging from a data governance perspective. Enterprises are looking for effective strategies to manage and govern data assets effectively.

Be it on-premise or cloud, the data governance framework created using “People, Processes and Technology” accesses and monitors data management across the organization. Data governance controls enable the detection and classification of sensitive data, which helps in implementing necessary security controls to protect data.

Regulatory compliance is adherence to the laws, regulations, and industry standards that apply to the organization’s business operations. Organizations need to comply with various standards and laws. For instance, GDPR, and CCPA to protect individual’s sensitive as well as personal data.

This insightful whitepaper outlines best practices and Persistent’s offerings for data governance helping organizations to meet regulatory compliance. Read on to discover!