For accelerated digital transformation in the healthcare industry, interoperability has emerged as a key aspect. Interoperability, in the realm of software, is the ability of different software systems to seamlessly connect and communicate with each other in an automated and secure manner. Lack of interoperability means data cannot seamlessly flow across different systems. This leads to the formation of data silos, preventing the creation of SSoT (Single Source of Truth), impeding the realization of the true potential of data.

In the context of healthcare industry, a lack of interoperability leads to a host of fragmented experiences resulting in sub-optimal results for stakeholders. For instance, it results in scattered patient data across siloed systems, preventing patient data consolidation, thereby restricting access to valuable information for healthcare providers, payers, and other stakeholders. Interoperability can connect data in ways that lead to better outcomes for healthcare stakeholders in multiple ways, such as more accurate disease diagnosis, better decision making on insurance premiums, better contribution to ongoing research and development activities, and fully automated workflows in healthcare administration. Healthcare leaders across the globe have started to identify the lack of interoperability as one of the major barriers to transformation operations and processes. In this white paper, we explore the factors contributing to this current problem and demonstrate how an API-first middleware layer can be the key to enabling greater value, growth, and efficiency within healthcare organizations.