Resilience is not a stroke of luck; it is about taking meticulous and timely decisions.

In the wake of COVID-19, the Enterprise Software market has demonstrated higher resilience than most verticals. Solutions such as digital health, online collaboration, EdTech, network management, and cybersecurity have experienced unprecedented spikes in usage. In fact, COVID-19 has accelerated several key technology trends including digital payments, telehealth, and robotics to help contain the spread of coronavirus, while helping businesses ensure continuity.

However, Enterprise Software businesses will still need to orchestrate recovery from this jolt, which will demand extensive coordination and collaboration across organizations, markets, and the economy at large. This whitepaper takes a closer look at how the Enterprise Software market can bounce back and what CXOs should focus on to successfully navigate through this crisis.

In this whitepaper, Sandeep Kalra, CEO and Executive Director, Persistent Systems, and Pari Natarajan, CEO, Zinnov discuss key strategies that Enterprise Software executives need to orchestrate to re-establish their leadership in the post-COVID world.