Health systems generate vast amounts of healthcare data. Until recently, that data rarely left its point of origin due to regulations around handling protected health information and the lack of resources to establish analytics programs that could convert all of that data into actionable insights. However, due to the acceleration of digital transformation, many healthcare organizations are now ready to invest in data analytics programs that are regulatory-compliant, cloud-based and able to handle heavy data loads. To realize the benefits of data analytics programs, healthcare leaders must first understand how the program fits into the organization’s data strategy, then address any challenges that surface.

This is a must read paper with Thermofisher and AWS presented by HIMMS where they speak about cloud’s inevitable role in any data analytics program. He speaks about common challenges around volume and quality of any data set.

Discover healthcare and life sciences uses for data analytics, including:

  • Analyzing aggregated data to drive operational efficiencies and improve the quality of care
  • Optimizing costs and utilizing medical resources more efficiently
  • Conducting clinical trials using longitudinal data to develop new drugs