Persistent 2024 Annual Report
2024 Annual Report

Resilient and

The Persistent Way

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The Persistent Way powers our ability to outperform competitors, enable growth, and unlock client value — a direct result of the resilience we’ve deliberately built into our company through years of investment, acquisition, and innovation.

Our resilience is reflected in many ways. Every day, we collaborate with clients to rethink and adapt their businesses so they can remain competitive in turbulent markets. We’ve fortified our operations to quickly respond to fast-moving industry and macroeconomic headwinds. Our expanded leadership team promotes efficient and productive processes for our employees and, by extension, our clients. Our resilience, which resulted in $1.186 billion in FY24 revenue and 16 quarters of sequential growth, also continues to deliver positive outcomes for our investors, with a record of achievement and industry recognition that no other provider can match.

Nonetheless, we don’t equate resilience with complacency or settling for the status quo. We match our resiliency with a simultaneous commitment to always remain future-ready and capitalise on new trends, technologies, and solutions for our clients’ benefit, backed by a rich history in AI, data, and Digital Engineering. Clients gravitate to our future-ready approach because we challenge conventional wisdom and business-as-usual thinking, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible for them and ourselves. We bring this same forward-thinking approach to our global team, arming them with new skills and training to promote their success, and encouraging them to make a positive difference in their communities and society at large.

We pride ourselves on developing scalable, trustworthy, and enterprise-ready solutions that prepare clients to lead in their industries and exceed customer expectations throughout different sectors. Through an unwavering focus on innovation and quality, our collaborative efforts with ecosystem partners, and our pioneering work in AI-enabled software engineering, product development, data and analytics, and cloud, we ensure continued growth and success for our clients and our business.

With each new client success and every breakthrough innovation, we demonstrate our differentiated market positioning, industry strength, and an enduring commitment to invest and grow by remaining Resilient and Future- Ready: The Persistent Way.

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