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Navigating the Power Shift in Customer Satisfaction Metrics and Strategies

Persistent’s Chief Operating Officer, Dhanashree Bhat, dives into the critical shifts in consumer behavior and the innovative metrics businesses can adopt to keep pace. She shares actionable insights relevant to business leaders seeking to enhance their strategies and ensure their metrics reflect what truly matters to customers today.

June 11, 2024


All major clients exploring GenAI use cases: Persistent Systems

In this interview, Persistent’s Chief Strategy and Growth Officer, Ayon Banerjee, discusses how GenAI is not just a buzzword but a pivotal tool that our top clients are actively integrating into their strategies. He shares the profound impact and future possibilities of AI across industries.

June 8, 2024


Build Strong AI Capabilities by Avoiding 3 Implementation Traps

Persistent’s Senior Vice President for Data & Analytics, Bidish Sarkar, delves into the essential strategies needed to sidestep common errors that could hinder AI initiatives. He emphasizes on the importance of aligning AI with business objectives to ensure ethical considerations and user-centric design.

May 29, 2024



Is Indian IT Ready To Ride The AI Wave?

In this panel discussion, Persistent's CEO and ED, Sandeep Kalra, highlights the impact of AI on the IT industry. He discusses our strategic investments in GenAI, our role as customer zero, and, more importantly, our commitment to upskilling our global workforce to continue to deliver value to our clients.

May 24, 2024


Generative AI Revolutionizes Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance

Persistent’s Senior Vice President & General Manager of Banking, Financial Services & Insurance, Jaideep Dhok, and Head of Generative AI, Praveen Bhadada, share the real-world applications and future potential of Generative AI for the BFSI sector. They discuss its influence on business users and builders, the challenges of integrating GenAI into existing frameworks, and strategies for enterprises looking to leverage this technology.

May 15, 2024

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    You can also email us directly at info@persistent.com