Bring the real world to your users with Google Maps, Routes, and Places
Google Cloud

Bring the real world to your users with Google Maps, Routes, and Places

Create immersive location experiences.

Customers choose connected, real-time, and consistent experiences.

We power your teams with Google Maps Platform and a customizable location intelligence platform that leverage your location data to increase operational efficiency, make informed decisions, and create immersive visual interfaces, thus enhancing customer experiences.

Explore use cases

Find Ideal location

Find Ideal location

Visualize geospatial data

Visualize geospatial data

Provide local information

Provide local information

Fraud Detection

Fraud Detection

Enrich transaction

Enrich transaction

Offer efficient routes

Offer efficient routes

Area definition and analysis

Area definition and analysis

Build interactive experience

Build interactive experience

Simplify address entry

Simplify address entry

How enterprises can make use of Google Maps Platform?

How enterprises can make use of Google Maps Platform?

Build a more connected experience with Google Maps Platform

Google Maps Platform is huge

The platform covers 99% of the world and sees 25 million daily updates to facilitate accurate, real-time location information. It is built on Google’s scalable, robust infrastructure to support 1 billion monthly active users.

Products for every location need

The three products cater to diverse location needs. Maps offers static and dynamic maps, and 360-degree views. Routes selects the best route for your team based on traffic. And, Places is a catalog of over 150 million places globally.

Empowering UD Trucks with an In-house Cloud-based Fleet Monitoring System

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Meesho Improves Last-Mile Delivery with Location Intelligence Solution

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Leading Indian Fast-food Chain Improves Delivery with Google Cloud

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Porter enhances scalability and user experience with Google Maps Platform and Persistent Systems

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MoveInSync automates transportation with Google Maps Platform API

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AssetTrackr maps their mobile assets on Google with Persistent

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UD Trucks collaborates with Persistent to enhance In-house Cloud-based Fleet Monitoring System
UD Trucks

Empowering UD Trucks with an In-house Cloud-based Fleet Monitoring System

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 Persistent Services and Industries Listing

Meesho Improves Last-Mile Delivery with Location Intelligence Solution

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 Persistent Services and Industries Listing
Hardcastle Restaurants Logo

Leading Indian Fast-food Chain Improves Delivery with Google Cloud

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Porter enhances scalability and user experience with Google Maps Platform and Persistent Systems

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MoveInSync automates transportation with Google Maps Platform API

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AssetTrackr Logo

AssetTrackr maps their mobile assets on Google with Persistent

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Joint Customer Success

Gartner® once again recognizes MediaAgility, now part of Persistent Systems

Create immersive location experiences.

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