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Hadoop Migration

Accelerate Hadoop migration by leveraging migration accelerators.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of data management, Hadoop migration to the cloud-based data stack is imperative to leverage the scalability and flexibility offered by cloud data platforms, ensuring seamless adoption to fluctuating workloads. However, migrating out of Hadoop based data platforms or data lakes is not an easy task. Organizations have deployed large Hadoop clusters, processing petabytes of data, in multi-tenant mode serving hundreds of tenants and thousands of applications/data pipelines. Our proven migration methodology provides tool-based inventory analysis, robust migration planning, automated code and data migration and thorough data validation along with change management and user adoption.

The Hadoop Migration expertise includes
  • Online and Offline Inventory Assessment for migration planning. The assessment tool crawls your code repository to give provide you a 360-degree view of your current inventory. The online assessment revolves around stakeholder workshops to understand their migration preferences, planning and priority.
  • Persistent Data Foundry data platform provides end to end platform with target architecture, management tooling and deployment automation to create your target cloud data platform. We have a strong mechanism in place to help you decide the target state architecture.
  • Our automated code migration tools can accelerate code migration by 80%.
  • Our tools and methodology for data and code validation post migration and robust parallel run methodology help in on-time and robust migration.

US mortgage leader accelerates loan processing and saves $1.2 million through data stack modernization

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Enabling the largest banking merger for a leading conglomerate with an integrated data hub

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Health-tech leader increases patient matching accuracy for advanced cancer research with AI-powered analytics

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US biotechnology leader enables a single source of truth with a cost effective, secure, and scalable data lake

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 Persistent Services and Industries Listing

US mortgage leader accelerates loan processing and saves $1.2 million through data stack modernization

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 Persistent Services and Industries Listing

Enabling the largest banking merger for a leading conglomerate with an integrated data hub

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AI Analytics Improves Patient Matching for Cancer Research

Health-tech leader increases patient matching accuracy for advanced cancer research with AI-powered analytics

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 Persistent Services and Industries Listing

US biotechnology leader enables a single source of truth with a cost effective, secure, and scalable data lake

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Hadoop to Snowflake Migration Guide

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An introduction to Snowpark@Snowflake

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Four factors to consider when choosing between Google Dataproc Serverless and Dataproc on GCE

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Presto: Unified SQL based Engine to Query from different Data sources

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