Digital Innovation Labs

Bringing applied innovation through the deployment of innovation frameworks and deep technology expertise.

Digital innovation is a critical driver for success. At Persistent, we know how applied innovation can be impactful if based on clear business objectives and reality. We understand this dynamic and work closely with our customers to develop new solutions and build prototypes by leveraging our culture of innovation. This includes frameworks focused on rapid prototyping, hackathons and technology research.

Our diverse team of industry, technology and design experts help customers find the digital innovation sweet spot to accelerate their digital transformation journey and provide an intuitive, frictionless experience.

Offerings & Solutions

Innovation as a Service

Extending the power of your R&D initiatives with frameworks designed to generate innovative experiments tailored to your product, company and industry.

Accelerated Research & Emerging Technology

Leveraging Persistent’s 30-years of technology expertise to extend the power of your R&D initiatives.

Delivering data-driven patient experiences

Here’s how Hackensack University Medical Center (UMC) is transforming patients’ digital interactions with big data.

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Persistent and IBM team with Mount Sinai for Health Hackathon

Bringing together students from around the country (including a high school student!) wiith world renowned meidcal and technology experts...

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Delivering data-driven patient experiences
Persistent Systems Client - Hackenseck University

Delivering data-driven patient experiences

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Persistent and IBM team with Mount Sinai for Health Hackathon| Persistent Systems
Persistent Systems Client - Mount Sinai

Persistent and IBM team with Mount Sinai for Health Hackathon

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Why Persistent?

Proven Customer Centric Approach

Our human-centered innovation led approach keeps your customer at the center of the solution to design and deliver impactful digital experiences.

Multi-skilled team

We bring together design, technology, domain and business experts to build digital solutions and digitize customer experiences that drive business results.

Domain and Technology Expertise

Our more than 30 years of experience in working with cutting-edge technologies and with leading companies across industries has helped us build strong domain and technology expertise.

News & Insights

Access our latest thought leadership and updates on Digital Innovation Labs.

Understanding the drivers of business innovation and biases - Blog
Design Thinking for Improved Patient Engagement in Healthcare
Congratulating Persistent Call for Code Hackathon Winners
7 Tips to sprint through Semicolons!


Semicolons: Celebrating Innovation with a Global Hackathon

Read the Blog


Understanding the drivers of business innovation and biases

Read the Blog


Connected Moments: Design Thinking for Improved Patient Engagement in Healthcare

Download the Whitepaper


Congratulating Persistent Call for Code Hackathon Winners

Read the Blog


7 Tips to sprint through Semicolons!

Read the Blog


Hacking Innovation: Building Solutions in 24 Hours

Read the Blog


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