Enterprise Integration

Enterprise Integration

Enhance customer experience, unlock insights, and breakdown silos.

The increasing reliance on digital technologies requires a plethora of independent software applications. Such an approach results in siloed applications. Hence data generated or added in an application and business functions supported by the respective application are not able to communicate with other applications in real-time. This results in poor CX and necessitates additional processes to bridge the gap.

Persistent’s Enterprise Integration Services offerings enable software applications to seamlessly integrate, and provide real-time consistent view of data across channels/applications. This enables effective collaboration and information exchange across various applications within and outside the organizations. Our services enable organizations to build state of the art integration platform that reduces complexity, improves organizational agility, and enhances competitive advantage.

Persistent and Software AG Partnership

Software AG and Persistent Announce Strategic Partnership to Deliver Innovative Industry Solutions with New Center of Excellence

Why Persistent?

Deep integration expertise

Expertise in various cutting-edge enterprise and open-source integration technologies to deliver transformative integration solutions to an ever-evolving application landscape.

Automation and IP led

Minimize time to value through various pre-built and customized integration solutions that leverage automation and our technology IPs.

Extensive Partner Ecosystem

Close-knit partnerships with global application and integration service providers developed through decades of delivering state-of-the-art integration solutions.

Client Success

Major US media conglomerate integrates legacy systems for a 360° view of organization| Persistent Systems

Client Success

Major US media conglomerate integrates legacy systems for a 360° view of organization

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Blue Dart Express Connects with Partners in Real-Time for Greater Partner Coordination| Persistent Systems
Persistent Systems Client - Blue Dart

Client Success

Global Logistic Leader Accelerates Partner Onboarding to Deliver Uninterrupted Services

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Client Success Story - Exide Life Insurance optimizes business operations and achieve organizational agility
Persistent Systems Client - Exide Life Insurance

Client Success

Exide Life Insurance leverages API-first microservice business architecture to optimize business operations and achieve organizational agility

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HDFC Bank improves customer engagement and increases revenue
Persistent Systems Client - HDFC bank

Client Success

HDFC Bank harvests micro-moments to improve customer engagement and increase revenue from real-time offers

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News & Insights

Access our latest thought leadership and updates on Enterprise Integration


Unleashing the Power of Integration Ops with AI

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Enabling Interoperability in Healthcare to Drive Value


Enabling Interoperability in Healthcare to Drive Value and Growth

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The Trends and Innovations to Watch for Enterprise Integration

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Leveraging AI in Enterprise Integration for Intelligent Decision Making


Leveraging AI in Enterprise Integration for Intelligent Decision Making

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Choosing the Right Integration Platform for Your Enterprise


Choosing the Right Integration Platform for Your Enterprise

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Integration Impact in Digital Transformation


Integration is Key For Success in Digital Transformation

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Stream Processing Using Kafka, Flink, and Druid


Unlocking the Potential of Stream Processing with the Trifecta of Streaming Data: Apache Kafka, Apache Flink, and Apache Druid

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    You can also email us directly at info@persistent.com