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Security Risk Assessment

Evaluate threat surfaces to identify potential vulnerabilities and prioritize mitigation efforts as a critical step in maintaining a robust organizational cybersecurity posture.

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With continuously growing threat surfaces and constantly evolving attack tactics from threat actors, one of the critical challenges in staying ahead is identifying, managing, and prioritizing risks. Security risks are not limited to assets deployed within the boundary of organizational and administrative controls. Information leaked to the deep and dark web through data breaches, malware, and ransomware is far more destructive in the long run.

The most prominent challenges organizations face are identifying all the assets at play, quantifying the risk based on business criticality, and tracking the efficacy of vulnerability management programs. Keeping track of all these various risk factors becomes a herculean task for organizations.

With Persistent’s cyber security consulting services take a structured and automated approach. This allows organizations to have continuous quantitative risk assessments based on various factors like

  • Threat Surfaces identification
  • Vulnerabilities detection
  • Threat level assessment
  • Level of exposure
  • Deepweb and Darkweb recon
  • Business contexts

Our outcomes provide actionable insights on prioritizing the security controls and a roadmap to enhance the vulnerability management program. It helps organizations channel their efforts toward building an effective Security Posture and protecting their crown jewels.

  • Reduce cyber breach probability by conducting attack surface analysis and taking steps to prioritize mitigation of vulnerabilities and closing entry points
  • Increase business availability by preventing cyber attacks and ransomware infections, allowing your teams to focus on core business operations
  • Improve adherence to industry standard compliance mandates through a continuous assessment and review processes identifying deviations and resolving them
  • Revitalize and improve brand reputation by creating a record of strong cybersecurity practices and adherence to protecting sensitive data
  • Integrate accountability into the risk mitigation process, assigning owners and creating strategies to effectively manage identified issues
  • Gain comprehensive organizational risk insights by identifying threats and their related attack vectors to take proactive steps for stopping attackers

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